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Pregnancy Advice

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Pregnancy Tips

We understand that being pregnant can be a daunting time for some so our team have collated some advice to help guide you through your journey:

Foods To Avoid And Tips On Heathy Eating:
1. Raw or Undercooked Meats
  • Risk: May contain harmful bacteria like Listeria, E. coli, or Salmonella.
  • Examples: Rare steaks, undercooked burgers, and raw poultry.
  • Risk: May carry parasites or bacteria, including Listeria.
  • Examples: Sushi, sashimi, and raw shellfish like oysters and clams.
  • Risk: May contain Listeria, which can lead to infection.
  • Tip: Heat deli meats and hot dogs until steaming hot before eating.
  • Safe Alternatives: Prepacked meats such as ham and corned beef.
  • Risk: Can contain Listeria.
  • Examples: Unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses (like Brie, feta, blue cheese, goats cheese unless pasteurised)
  • Risk: May contain Salmonella.
  • Examples: Homemade mayonnaise, Caesar dressing, raw cookie dough, and some sauces.
  • Tip: Look out for the British Lion hen eggs as these are laid in the British scheme and are less likely to contain salmonella.
  • Risk: Mercury can affect fetal brain development.
  • Examples: Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and large tuna.
  • Safe Alternatives: Salmon, prawns, and sardines.
  • Risk: May contain harmful bacteria or parasites like Toxoplasma.
  • Tip: Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption.
  • Risk: High levels of caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth.
  • Limit: 200 mg per day (about one 12-ounce cup of coffee).
  • Risk: Can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), leading to developmental problems.
  • Recommendation: Avoid alcohol entirely during pregnancy.
  • Risk: Some studies suggest certain artificial sweeteners may not be safe during pregnancy.
  • Tip: Limit intake of aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose; opt for natural alternatives like honey in moderation.

Sticking to a balanced, nutritious diet while avoiding these risky foods will help support a healthy pregnancy. Always consult with your primary healthcare provider about your specific dietary needs.

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Safe Sleeping Whilst Pregnant

The safest way to sleep during pregnancy is on your side, ideally your left side and especially towards the latter stages.  This position is recommended for several reasons:

1. Optimal Blood Flow

Sleeping on your left side improves blood circulation, allowing maximum blood flow to the placenta and your baby. It also enhances the efficiency of some of your organs such as your kidneys and helps to reduce swelling in your hands, ankles, and feet.

As the uterus grows, it can put pressure on other organs like the liver. Sleeping on your left side minimizes this pressure, helping your body function more effectively.

Sleeping on the left side can prevent compression on the inferior vena cava (a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart). This ensures a better blood supply to the baby.

Positions to Avoid:
1. Back Sleeping:

As you approach the second and third trimester it is recommended that you avoid sleeping on your back. This position can cause the uterus to press on your spine, intestines, and blood vessels, which may lead to poor circulation, backaches, breathing difficulties, and even low blood pressure.

As your baby grows, your belly will grow with and sleeping on your stomach becomes very uncomfortable and impractical. There’s also concern that it might put pressure on the baby.

Tips for Comfortable Sleep:
  • Use Pregnancy Pillows: A pregnancy pillow can be purchased relatively cheaply and will transform your quality of sleep.  The pillow can be placed between your knees, under your belly, or behind your back can help support your body and make side-sleeping more comfortable.
  • Alternate Sides: While the left side is ideal, switching between the left and right side can reduce discomfort and prevent body aches.
  • Tilt Slightly: If you find side-sleeping uncomfortable, try placing a small pillow behind your back to tilt your body slightly while lying on your side.
pregnant woman holding photo her future baby

Trust Your Instincts

Whilst there is no such thing as a normal pregnancy it is important that you trust your instincts.  If for any reason you have any concerns or worries about yourself or your unborn baby then you should contact your primary healthcare provider immediately.  There is no such thing as a stupid question or concern.  

Remember Mother Knows Best!